Call from Santa - 2020 virtual Holiday Gathering

This time of year, we would have welcomed families to our annual Holiday Party with a special visit from Santa.

Especially our Holiday Parties were always full of magic. I will never forget one special moment last year when one of our precious children sat on Santa’s lap in a deep embrace, burying her face into his coat…speechless, in full silence. She just simply sat there taking in the moment and the time stopped. All the sudden the entire room went silent, the breathing slowed down, adults and children alike felt the energy of absolute love and peace radiating through the room and many eyes filled with tears of happiness and gratitude. No one rushed to have their turn, everyone just simply embraced the magic of the moment.

As for so many of you, Covid had crossed our plans this year as well. There was no in-person Holiday Party for us to invite families to.

So we did, what was possible, we invited families to a virtual gathering and yes, Santa has come to chat with the children.

We exchanged holiday cheer, listened to the “Christmas Carol” and “The Night Before Christmas” narrated by our talented elf Vivienne and enjoyed music by Santa.

My favorite was seeing and feeling the excitement the children were radiating when telling Santa their wishes.

Once again I was reminded that it doesn’t matter how much you do, as long as you DO SOMETHING….IT MATTERS!

“That was such a wonderful experience!

Really... saying thank you doesn’t do it justice.

I really hoped you could see how happy my son was. He was really into it.

That was his only Santa experience this season, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to make something work. It was so special.”

Ho, Ho, Ho! Stay Merry and Safe!